Innovation Path

Innovation Path

Quick Overview of Innovation Path

  • Three-minute pitches per startup
  • Judged by real world CXO Analysts
  • 5 winners named to ”Cloud Wars Shortlist”
  • 1 startup named “Cloud Wars Startup of 2022”
How a Startup Qualifies
5 years or younger
Cloud based solution
Private company
How a Startup Solution will be Judged
Does it optimize the digital future?
Can it enable business model reimagination?
How will it dazzle a customer?
The Real World CXO's Judging Them
Innovation Path Participating Companies
Winner Announcements
  • Bob Evans and the Real World CXO Acceleration Economy Analysts will announce the five shortlist companies and the Startup of 2022 at 5:00 PM on Thursday June 30th at the Center Stage on the expo floor
  • An article will be published featuring all winners immediately following the announcement